How did you like the Limes Cup?

| 26. April 2014 | 0 Comments

How did you like the Limes Cup?

How do you like the Limes Cup? Diese Frage habe ich am zweiten und dritten Wettkampftag zwischendurch diversen Trainern, Kampfrichtern und Delegationsleitern aus fünf Nationen gestellt. Hier ihre Statements…

Great BritainNeil Griffiths (r.) and Ian Said, Great Britain, Heathrow Gymnastics Club and South Tyneside Gymnastics Club / Coaches

„This might not be the greatest time to ask! We are a little annoyed at the moment because of an unnecessary skirt deduction and also a mistake in one of our tariff-sheets, which we should have been informed about prior to competing. However, this is just in the heat of the moment. In general, it’s great to be here in Germany and we’re having a good time. The World Cup is of a high standard and great for the younger age-group-gymnasts to watch. The venue is nice and the organisers are friendly and helpful. Unfortunately, the set up of the separate warm-up and competition halls has made communication between the two a little difficult. The Limes Cup is our last competition in preparation for the forthcoming World Championships. Thank you for making us so welcome.“

PortugalLourenco Franca, Portugal, Acro Clube da Maia / Coach

„I’m really enjoying myself here in Aalen. The level of the competition is high, we have already seen many spectacular moves on the first day. Lots of the teams attending this tournament are also attending the World Championships, so you could almost call this event a ‚Mini-World-Championships‘. For me and my trio, who are competing in the World Cup, this is our last major event prior to the World Championships. Actually it is just the second big international tournament we are taking part in this year. The first one was the Maia Cup, hosted by my own club. We are glad to have the opportunity to compete here at the Limes Cup. I have the opportunity to be with my gymnasts and coach them properly. In addition, I am able to watch a big part of the competition, which is a great chance to see what our competitors are doing.“


Mariyan Gabrovski, Bulgaria, Acrobatic Club Lokomotiv Ruse / Judge at the Word Cup and coach at the Juniors Cup

„Aalen is a great place for sports acrobatics. I have been here at least six times already. Todor and Vitcho Kolev, who are also from Bulgaria and work here as coaches, have become very good friends of mine. We use the Limes Cup as a preparation for the World Championships. All the three Bulgarian units that compete here will also compete in Levallois in two months. So far I have been really happy about the results. My Mixed Pair in the 13-19-competition is even in first place after qualifications. The competition is well organised, only little problems with the results and schedules occurred. I hope that Aalen continues hosting the Limes Cup.“


Dimitry Vinnikov, Russia, Sports School for Acrobatics St. Petersburg / Judge at the World Cup

„I’ve often travelled to Germany already, but in Aalen I’m for the first time. Germany is actually my second favourite country – after Russia of course. People are very kind and everybody welcomes you very warmly. It’s the same at the Limes Cup. We really feel at home here. It’s a very pleasant place, we are offered a lot of chances like visiting the city for example, because it’s only a ten minutes‘ walk from our hotel to the competition hall. Two pairs of my club take part in the World Cup competition. The World Cup series is a good format.“


Dr. Ilana Katz and Maya Ganot, Israel, Maccabi Dan, Tel Aviv / Head of Delegation and Headcoach

„We love Aalen. It’s so beautiful to have this competition in this beautiful city, which looks like a picture in a book. The competition was well organized, in a good atmosphere, with a very helpful attitude from all volunteers. We came with 16 girls from our club Maccabi Dan, Tel Aviv. We are very happy about our women’s pair in juniors, who won the first place, and our trio in the age group category achieved silver. For our gymnasts it was a great sportive experience and an opportunity to meet friends from other countries. For us it was very important that at the finals there was no limitation of how many units per nations get in. It gives the best gymnast the opportunity to enter the finals. Thanks to the organizers for that. We suggest that FIG will also allow to open the ages at the open acrobatic competitions. That would help younger gymnasts to be prepared for the forthcoming European and World Championship. Before we leave for Israel we want to once again visit the beautiful old town of Aalen. We hope to come back again since we have such good memories!“

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