Neues von der FIG

| 7. März 2013 | 0 Comments

Technisches Komitee für Sportakrobatik in der FIG

Noch wartet alles auf die überarbeitete Version des Code of Points, da kommt das Technische Komitee schon mit dem ersten Newsletter im aktuellen Zyklus 2013-2016 ums Eck.

Darin haben die (frisch gebackenen) höchsten internationalen Sportakrobatik-Funktionäre eine ganze Reihe Fragen zum neuen Regelwerk beantwortet. Worum es bei ihrer Sitzung im Februar in Lausanne (Schweiz) sonst noch so ging, darüber gibt der entsprechende Bericht der FIG etwas Aufschluss – aus Sicht der deutschen Sportakrobatik ebenfalls interessant ist der Absatz zur Athletenkommission.

LAUSANNE (SUI), FIG Office, March 6, 2013: Following the official Transfer of Powers ceremony held at the Hotel Mövenpick in Lausanne (SUI) on February 17, 2013, the newly formed FIG Gymnastics for All Committee, the Technical Committees for all FIG disciplines as well as the Athletes? Commission took up their work for the 2013-2016 Olympic Cycle. Meetings took place from February 17-21 in the Olympic Capital and it was a good opportunity for members from the various committees to get to know one another better. (…)

Acrobatic Gymnastics

The main topics on the agenda of the Acrobatic Gymnastics Technical Committee led by new TC President Rosy Taeymans (BEL) included discussions and decisions on the protocol relating to the running of TC meetings, professionalism and committee procedures. Members were given an opportunity to outline their strengths and background in the sport and to propose the areas in which they felt they had an interest and expertise. Confirmation of assignments will be confirmed at the next meeting.

The committee agreed to support FIG President Bruno Grandi’s wish to incorporate an acrobatics show programme in conjunction with World Championships of other FIG disciplines in cooperation with Cirque du Soleil.

Following the idea of standardisation within FIG Gymnastics disciplines, the Acrobatic committee will develop a technical deduction table for perfect execution. Moreover, one of the TC’s goals is to simplify the rules and Tables of Difficulty significantly, while it will be receptive to the Acro community’s position regarding drastic changes.

Finally, two former TC members will undertake an approved project at the forthcoming World Cup events to assess the impact of the new Code of Points and the Tables of Difficulty.

Athletes‘ Commission

(…) Furthermore, members discussed ways to tackle the challenge of finding new representatives for certain disciplines, currently for Trampoline and Acrobatics. Former commission member Dmitri Poliaroush (BLR), who was elected to the Trampoline Technical Committee, and Germany’s Sabrina Hegele, who stepped down from the commission after Frank Boehm of the same national federation was elected to the Acrobatic Technical Committee, will need to be replaced. The Athletes‘ Commission emphasised that the most important quality for new candidates should be their commitment to do the job. (…)


Im Klartext: Deutschland stellt nicht mehr die Athletenvertreterin. Sabrina Hegele, die seit 2008 alle Sportakrobatinnen und Sportakrobaten weltweit repräsentierte und deren Interessen im Technischen Komitee für Sportakrobatik der FIG vertrat, hat ihr Amt nach der Wahl von Frank Böhm ins Technische Komitee niedergelegt.

Und: In Zukunft soll es bei Weltmeisterschaften in den anderen FIG-Disziplinen (Turnen, Trampolinturnen, Rhythmische Sportgymnastik etc.) Sportakrobatik-Showprogramme in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Cirque du Soleil geben.

Außerdem soll eine Aufstellung über technische Abzüge erarbeitet werden und das Regelwerk (mal wieder) signifikant vereinfacht werden.


Category: Regelwerk

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